The Emotions Analysis feature it's currently unavailable. We're working hard to bring it back as soon as possible.
Develop ADHD Intelligence
When dealing with ADHD - information is key! This app provides you tips and techniques created and tested from people with ADHD to people with ADHD. Moreover, you'll have access to heaps of tactiques used by psychologists to manage the disorder.
- Title
- Test for ADHD, Attention-Deficit or Hyperactivity disorders
Comprehensive Guides
- Title
- Learn how to deal with ADHD in a practical, simple and interactive way
Emotion Analysis
- Title
- Analyze your emotions in real time and receive feedback for possible actions that may help you in that moment
What is it?
The My ADHD app is a powerful tool that scans your current mood and based on an sofisticated Artificial Intelligence analysis, provides you with real-time suggestions to improve your mood and your everyday life.

This app is for educational purposes only and does not reflect a medical opinion.
ADHD can only be diagnosed by a medical professional!
Share your comments
This is a space for you to share freely any comments, issues, bugs and suggestions that you might have when using the My ADHD app.